Sunday, May 30, 2010

navy open house (22 may 10)

I never like to visit any of these open house. The isolated location, packed crowd, long queue and long hrs under the sun really put me off. But yy was quite keen after I shown him the webpage so here we are. Good for us, it was not very crowded as each ship is parked a distance away from one another. Weather was good too.

We reached the event after 2 hrs of public transport. But the trip is worth it. We went on board 2 ships, visited the control room, saw the guns, missiles and bullets.
Left pic : duck tour

Different weapons on the ship are used for different purpose like to counter missiles, for short and long range firing.

left pic : this is used to keep the life boat. The life boat will inflated when it touches water, has the basic necessities on board and it has a cover like a tent.

Janice and her mummy went to the open house with us but we dont have a single pic of her. However we have many pic taken by her. All the pic without yy are taken by her including these.

The 2nd ship we board is the landing ship tank. It is a very huge ship with carteen, gym, leisure room, mini surgery room, crew bed room and of course many many stairs. Really many and very steep. The ship is so big, it has a small area for berthing and boarding the FCU (cant remember what it stands for).

The FCU cruise is fun. It travels at a fast speech and very bouncy when the wave hits.

Since we only went onboard 2 ships. What did we do for the rest of the time?

should have go for family carnival instead.

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