Sunday, January 31, 2010
birthday party for Aunty Joey (31 jan 10)

Saturday, January 30, 2010
N2 at Just Kids (30 jan 10)
When I was filling up the forms in school, Charlie kept telling me that she wanted to go school. I presumed the premise looks vacant so she must be trying to tell me she wanted to go to another school. Subsequently when I need to try out the uniform size, she was more than willing to comply (usually she is quite fussy and refused to wear on clothing and shoes). She even wanted to remove his top and short on the spot. After she had changed into her uniform, she took her bag (she carries a bag everywhere she goes now) and said “I go school bye bye”. Then I realized the girl actually was more than eager to attend school.
The next day, she was telling me before her bedtime that she will listen to her teacher and she will play catching with her friends. If her teacher says cannot play, she will tell her friends No playing. Haha her excitement and enthusiasm level is sure high.
vomit blood (30 jan 10)
Ps : I always said vomit blood when I had problem getting yy to listen.
Monday, January 25, 2010
4th week in school
Moreover he did not revise for his spelling this morning despite the fact I have told him to do so and even wrote it down on his daily schedule the day before. when I told him I may have left with no choice but to quit my job and sit at home reminding him. He told me he dont want cos I will not have money then (save me...... )
29 jan (fri) - there is homework from sch today. However I could not find his maths worksheet in his school bag. When I asked yy if the teacher has distributed his worksheet back to him for homework. He said yes but it could not be found when he wants to pack it in his bag. when I asked him again and again. He started to give me different story. confusing right.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Third week in school (24 jan 10)
Nothing new happens during the pass week, except on last tues, yy forgot to bring his water bottle home. On wed again he forgot. Eventurally on Thurs, he has 3 water bottle in school. If he continue like this, I wonder how many water bottles I have to put aside at home as spare to cater for such "emergency".
yy birthday (24 jan 10)
yy posing with his cake.
bought the 2 animal balloons from the website for a couple of months already. Asked Levin to get them inflated at northpoint at $2.20 each. Levin even bought some flower for mei mei. charlie has the doggie while yy took the kitty.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
second week in sch (17 jan 10)
For the whole of first week, yy has been eating with a boy called weibin. So I encouraged him to mix with other friends too. However it did not turn out as what I was hoping for. He is now eating with another 2 classmates and they will all play at the basketball court after eating. The good part is he is having fun but the negative part is I don’t like him to run about immediately after eating and one of the 2 boys is famous for being naughty. Don’t think there is much I can do as yy seems to enjoy their company very much. Sigh.
Today when I went through his homework, I realised that yy did not submit his maths homework and Chinese spelling test on Friday. He also did not do his social studies school work in class as he thought he did not bring his workbook to school. The worse is he did not mention to us and did not go searching for his ‘missing’ worksheet. I was really pissed off with him simply telling me he forgot about the whole issues.
Yellow Green Tip - Taekwondo grading (16 jan 10)
yy supposed to have his Taekwondo grading today at Toa Payoh Sport Hall. We made a mistake and went to the Home team clubhouse instead at 130pm. We had no choice but to hang around Toa Payoh Central and the library the whole day with only 1 more diaper and insufficient drinking water.
We are all so tired after walking for an afternoon. Fortunately yy managed to complete his grading test with no problem. I was still worried if he will be too tired to perform his pattern well.
you can see that he is the last one to finish his pattern during the test. It was always like this for the past few grading. However when he practised at home, he is so much faster to the extend that his move seems more like dance step to me.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
seat in the class (7 jan 10)
His new seat position is not any better ~ first row.
Monday, January 4, 2010
yuan yuan's first day of school (4-5 jan 10)
Hooray for the kids. end of lesson. The children coming out in classes. The students are supposed to raise up their hands when they see their parents/caretaker, which did not go too smoothly. Thus teachers had a hard time trying to "match" the child to their parent / caretaker from the child body gesture and expression. lucky yy is the second class just hope it is always in this sequence.
Ding yuan did not say much abt his first day experience in sch except the part where they are being introduced to the admin office where they can approach if there is an emergency. He told me that the teacher was joking with the class telling them that did not bring pencil box is not an emergency. haha I guess the staffs get a lot of such emergency requests at the start of every year. Another thing yuan yuan told me was there is a man in the sch called Mr Pig. I think he is referring to the principal, Mr Pek.
For his second day, he has PE and art & craft lesson today. What an interesting day. As for his recess I gave him $2 and had warned him in adv not to use the money to buy biscuit, drinks, sweets, stationeries and toys. Sigh! When I asked him what he wants to buy from the carteen. he replied me something that he dont get to eat at home (I wonder what is that going to be).
In the end, he bought soup noodle. so miserable with only little soup, some noodles and very thin slices of fish cake.
Charlie reading a book or .... (4 jan 10)
I read to Charlie this storybook this morning afterwhich she wants to read it on her own. Did u realise that she is actually singing cum reading the story about a baby dragon's bottom got stuck in a pail.