Saturday, June 21, 2008

peer pressure (19 jun 08)

guo guo came back on tues night after his phonic lesson telling mummy that his classmate brought the leopard toy (Kungfu panda's toy from McDonalds' Happy Meal) to school and let him play with it. Guo guo even told mummy that his friends got all the 4 characters.

Mummy couldnt understand why his friends keep bringing toys to classes. What are the kids doing in class with the toys when they are supposed to be paying attention to the what the teacher has to say. Seemingly teachers are turning a blind eye to all these too. They choose not to get involved. Sigh ! Maybe that is the difference between the different standard of education program offered (guo guo's phonic class is conducted at RC by similing star school).

Could not resist the temptation, guo guo asked to buy the toy from McDonalds with his points, knowing that we seldom give in to his request for toys. However he dont have enough points for a McDonald meal. He needs 20 points for that but he only got 16. So that night, mummy and daddy has to conveniently give him the extra 4 points for so easy tasks that he has completed.

Guo guo was so happy on thurs when papa brought him to McDonalds for lunch and he choose the panda. Thanks goodness it is still available. Dont know what he will do if he realised the promotion is over.

ps: in the end mummy bought him the panda, praying mantis and Tai Long

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