Wednesday, February 17, 2010

7th week of school

last week was a peaceful week. No hanky panky "news" from yy, except the part he told me he trimmed his hair in class in 3 different occasions.

17 feb - first day of school after CNY. Instead of double greeting it is more like double shocking from yy. He was late for school again. The stunning thing is his daddy was at home today supervising him during his lunch. I totally "surrender".

When yy came back from school, he happily told me something magical happened in school today. That is he could not find his storybook in his school bag and went around asking other kids if they have an extra book to lend him but infact there are 2 storybooks in his bag. In class, he claimed that he could not find his pencil box and asked for stationery from his teacher and "magically" it reappears in his bag after recess break.

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