March 2010(3 yrs 5 mths) ~
charlie been scribbling her master piece on paper for a while but they are usually too artistic to interpret.
April 2010 (3 yrs 6mths) ~
a big improvement in her drawing. In some, you can see pictures with face and body. It started with only a circle face and eyes.
The big character is a bear. The small brown one is a sun. As for the little colorless one below is an unknown. If u notice, her drawing is made out of big and small circles or rather ovals.
May 2010 (3 yrs 7 mths) ~
nice pic. She seldom color her pic after drawing them.
Aug 2010 (3 yrs 10mths) ~ Her drawing is forming out pretty nicely by now.
This is rare pcs using triangle as head.
Did u notice a car at the bottom? This is the first time I saw her drawing a car. She is always drawing people or animal.
Charlie learns to draw character with hair and leg shaped like caterpillar. She will even tell you who she is drawing although they look pretty much the same.