I think my mummy forgets to switch on the aircon (28 jan 07).
My guo guo celebrating his 4th birthday in school. He got a Power Ranger cake. It was his fav. cartoon character (29 jan 07)
(4 feb 07 ~ 3 mths old)
(10 feb 07)
(4 mar 07)
This is where I sleep and, unfortunately, change my diaper too (10 mar 07).
Mummy, I need some gel. My hair simply refuse to come down (11 mar 07)
U be surprise at what I can do. All thanks to Friso milk powder (6 may 07)
(28 may 07).

My guo guo sleeps with his "chou chou" every night without fail. He has his very same one since young. (21 jun 07)

Anybody there ? (1 jul 07).

Anybody there ? (1 jul 07).
Guo guo is here to rescue me !
Well ..... fat hope. He is just here to entertain himself.