Sunday, December 26, 2010

different personality (27 dec 10)

Da yi yi came back from Japan trip and bought each kid some stationeries. On the spot, Charlie removed the plastic wrapper for each highlighter and started using them at Po Po's house. As for yy, the wrappers are still intact and he even bundled them up with an elastic band (photo taken a couple of days later. yy's highlighter on the left and charlie's on the right).
Another scenario, I was attending a birthday party with the kids. YY was holding onto my iphone playing game while Charlie was siting next to him. Very soon, another 2 kids crowded around, attracted by the game. Charlie started to talk to the older girl of abt 7 years old and shortly after came to me and asked if can allow her "friend" to play with the iphone. Oh gosh ! that is exactly my first reaction. My girl is so "generous" to the extreme that I am worried. Of course, I told her NO. (you dont befriend with others at my expense)

Side track abit, levin and myself are always joking among ourselves with her outgoing personality how will Charlie likely to behave when she is in her teens.

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