Mummy realised that guo guo's second tooth (front tooth on the bottom row) is already out. As the baby tooth is still there, the new tooth has been pushed backward. Now guo guo has 2 teeth one infront and the other right behind. So mummy suggested to guo guo that if they are able to get the tooth out at home during this weekend, guo guo be "rewarded" a toy from popular. If not, mummy will bring guo guo to the dentist next week to have it extracted.
Mummy even worked out a plan for guo guo ie to keep shaking his tooth and at the same time sing the Debbie Gibson's song (for entertainment sake). The song goes like this ....... shake your tooth , shake shake shake your tooth...... After 2 days of shaking (friday and sat), the tooth is much loosen but still intact. The rest of the details was too much to write with words...... in short, mummy and aunty beth "joined forces" and the tooth is out using the sewing thread method. And of course guo guo cried an cried non stop until mummy offered him to play the DS lite.
All this while, papa refused to do anything except to hold onto me and the camera.
Your guys are lucky, the video is too big to be uploaded

Guo guo got a pokemon book as his "rewards" .