Sunday, July 25, 2010

July 2010

Super busy month and full of “first time" surprises.

1) yy started school after his first school holiday. It has been a “difficult” getting him to adjust back to school day and doing his homework.
2) He was late for CCA the first time and nearly late for lessons twice this month. I would say nearly as Beth has to send him to school without finishing his lunch inorder to make it to school ontime.
3) Yy's first experience on tooth filing by the school dental nurse. Fortunately he came back telling me that it is not painful as he has a total of 3 decay teeth that need to be filled.
4) He has his first injection, Measles/Mumps/Rubella (booster), in school. His last injection was 5 years ago.
5) He dropped his 8th tooth on 25 Jul at home. It is the tooth on the right next to the two front teeth. He told me it was his lucky day as he dont want the tooth to drop in school thinking that there may be blood and saliva. Hmmm never thought of that myself.
6) Charlie started her full day at Just Kids this month and surprisingly she is adapting well to it except that she still not taking her breakfast. Last mth, teacher was still telling me that for no reason she refused to join in the class activities and keep insisting on going home.
7) Accordingly to Charlie (not sure how true is it as I did not check with the school), she said she bath and wash her hair on her own and she sleeps without sucking her thumb as her chinese teacher told her not to. However she is still doing it at home whenever she is tired and during bedtime.
8) Charlie started to do her potty business on the toilet seat. The little girl will insist we cannot stand outside the toilet waiting for her. She will scream for us when she is done with her business.

charlie wearing the school attire for the daycare.
I kind of like the uniform. Look so comfortable.

Luckily the month is coming to an end. Too many first times in a month are too much for me to handle.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Happy Kids by Michael

Regardless of family form I believe parents should strive to make sure their families are:

Rich in love, with adults who have time for and are supportive of kid’s goals: Kids need to feel loved. They need adults who make time for them and adults who will help them achieve their goals.

Stable, predictable and chaos-free: A stable, chaos-free family environment provides the necessary background for kids to develop, grow and take risks. Kids crave a sense of predictablity in their lives.

Rich in supportive, social interactions: Kids need to be exposed to a variety of social experiences with adults and peers so they can hone their social skills. Similarly, they need plenty of opportunities to do things for themselves at home, at school and in their neighbourhoods.

Psychologically safe – mistakes are not thrown in their face: Kids need to grow up in an encouraging environment that allows them to make mistakes without fear of being constantly reminded of them, which creates a fear of failing. When kids fear failure, they act in safe ways and are less likely to stretch themselves.

Places of spontaneity, curiosity and fun: Healthy families enjoy each other’s company, or at least pull together when the chips are down. This seems to happen more in families where parents can lighten the tension, inject some humour and inspire kids to be interested in things and people other than themselves.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

charlie's fav song (3 july 10)

Charlie learned this song in school. Infact the only chinese song I hear her singing and her fav too. She will sing it when she is siting on the chair, doing nothing in particular, bathing and when she is passing her bowel.